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This research blog aims to centralize research in law at the crossroads of other scientific disciplines in the field of ethical, legal and social implications of biomedical innovations (mainly regenerative medicine, gene therapy, and nanomedicine) and to disseminate them to the scientific community at large. Its content is developed at three levels, in French and / or in English.

The first level of information consists of all the work carried out by Dr Aurélie Mahalatchimy, lawyer, (CNRS researcher) in this field. The first step is to make accessible the work carried out for more than 10 years, currently scattered over several formats, rarely accessible to the entire scientific community interested in biomedical innovations. Second, visibility is given to the work in progress (in particular 4 research projects) and to the collaborations (participation in research networks, etc.) that they involve. Third, the research notebook will be fed by her future work and activities in the field.

The second level of information is made up of all the work (past, present and future) carried out in the field of biomedical innovations by the scientific partners of Dr Aurélie Mahalatchimy, both by legal specialists and specialists from other disciplines.

The third level of information, the broadest, consists of various publications (past, present and future) in the field, whether they come from the scientific world or from the institutional world (legal texts, ethical opinions, positions taken by associations …). These are listed in a bibliography section and via a monitoring activity. Consequently, this notebook constitutes a unique reference for anyone, French-speaking and / or English-speaking, who is interested in research in the field of the ethical, legal and social implications of biomedical innovations, giving priority to the subject of the research rather than to the discipline which devotes itself to it, in an approach of open science and in particular of research sharing.

Aix-en-Provence, Aix-Marseille Université, Faculté de Droit et de Science Politique, Espace René Cassin