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Medicines Transparency

A literature review was conducted on 5 August 2021, with the expression “Medicines Transparency” when relevant for Europe, in English and in French, in the following databases: Dalloz, HeinOnline, and Westlaw UK. Completion ongoing for other databases. Please find below the most relevant results of this review.

Dellamano, Renato. ‘Different Approaches to Pricing and Reimbursement of Innovative Pharmaceutical Products in Europe’. International In-House Counsel Journal 1, no. 2 (2008 2007): 85–92.
Glynn, Dermot. ‘The Case for Transparency in Pricing’. Competition Law Journal 14, no. 4 (2015): 237–44.
Lojko, Natalia. ‘Medicinal Products in the European Union – Between Harmonization and Divergence Pharmacology & Law’. Medicine and Law 29, no. 1 (2010): 61–76.