A literature review was conducted with the expression “Advertising of ATMPs”, in English and in French between the 21 and 28 August 2023, in the following databases: Dalloz, HeinOnline, Lexbase, Lexis Nexis, Lextenso, Navis, Doctrinal Plus, Westlaw UK, Brill and Cairn, Bibliothèque numérique en droit de la santé, Wiley Online Library, Lamyline Reflex, Cambridge University Press Revues – Archives ISTEX, De Gruyter revues – Archives ISTEX, Encyclopédie Max Planck de droit international public, JSTOR, Law Review Commons, OpenEdition Journals, ScienceDirect, Springer Nature, Web of Science, Google Scholar and PubMed.
Please find below the most relevant results of this review.
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Fallet, Patrick, and Caroline Mascret. ‘La conformité du droit français au droit communautaire en matière de publicité des médicaments (A propos du nouvel apport de l’arrêt de la CJCE du 8 novembre 2007)’. Petites Affiches, no. 82 (23 April 2008): 6-10.
Femer, Robin E., and Keith Beard. ‘Over the Counter Medicines: Proceed with Caution’. BMJ: British Medical Journal 336, no. 7646 (2008): 694-696.
Földes, Maria Eva. ‘Transparency – an Essential Requirement in Medical Device Regulatory Reform’. European Review of Contract Law 17, no. 1 (12 March 2021): 87-106.
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Fulda, Christian, Elizabeth Campbell, and Alastair McCulloch. ‘The Liberalisation of Pharmaceutical Advertising in Europe.’ Pharmaceutical Law Insight 4, no. 8 (2008): 4-7.
Gorny, Alain. ‘Publicité des produits de santé : le rouge est mis’. Petites Affiches, no. 214 (26 October 2006): 4.
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John, David Neale, and Stuart Wyn Evans. ‘Television Advertising of Pharmacy Medicines in the United Kingdom’. Pharmacy World & Science 22, no. 4 (2000): 136-139.
Laude, Anne. ‘Santé publique – La nouvelle régulation des produits de santé . – À propos de la loi du 29 décembre 2011’. La Semaine Juridique Edition Générale, no. 6 (6 February 2012).
Magrini, Nicola, and Maria Font. ‘Direct to Consumer Advertising of Drugs in Europe’. BMJ: British Medical Journal 335, no. 7619 (2007): 526-526.
Maillols-Perroy, Anne-Catherine, and Yves Tillet. ‘La loi de réforme de la sécurité sanitaire du médicament et des produits de santé en France : effet d’annonce renforcement ou bouleversement ?’ Therapies 67, no. 1 (January 2012): 1-10.
Malaurie-Vignal, Marie. ‘Distribution – Concurrence entre pharmaciens français et e-pharmaciens européens -’. Contrats Concurrence Consommation, no. 12 (December 2021): 180.
Manley, Maria Isabel, and Marina Barnden. ‘ECJ Defines What Is Meant by the Advertising of Medicinal Products.’ Pharmaceutical Law Insight 5, no. 6 (2009): 5-7.
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Moynihan, Ray. ‘Direct to Consumer Advertising Should Not Come to Europe’. BMJ: British Medical Journal 334, no. 7602 (2007): 1025-1025.
Naugès, Sabine, and Laurent Ayache. ‘Droit de la concurrence – Concurrence, régulation et secteur public’. Contrats Concurrence Consommation, no. 6 (June 2018): 3.
Pashkov, Vitalii M., Andrii A. Olefir, and Oleksiy Y. Bytyak. ‘Legal Features of the Drug Advertising’. Wiadomosci Lekarskie (Warsaw, Poland: 1960) 70, no. 1 (2017): 133-138.
Peigné, Jérôme. ‘La publicité des produits de santé’. Les Tribunes de la santé 45, no. 4 (2014): 69-78.
Poser, Mareen. ‘DTCA of Prescription Medicines in the European Union: Is There Still a Need for a Ban’. European Journal of Health Law 17, no. 5 (2010): 471-484.
‘Publicité pour la vente en ligne de médicaments : les précisions de la CJUE’. Lamy Droit de l’Immatériel, no. 174 (1st October 2020).
Régnier, Catherine, and Catherine Maurain. ‘Le contrôle de la promotion des médicaments auprès des médecins’. Revue Droit Sanitaire et Social, no. 01 (01 2010): 111.
Rigaux, Anne. ‘Circulation des marchandises – Publicité des médicaments -’. Europe, no. 10 (October 2021): 16-18.
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Seitz, Alexander M. ‘No Prohibition of Dissemination of Information on Prescription-Only Medicinal Products on a Manufacturer’s Website.’ European Journal of Risk Regulation 2, no. (3) (2011): 447-449.
Sohal, Imraj. ‘The “Semi-Permeable Brick Wall”: The Development of Pharmaceutical Marketing Law in the EU’. Communications LLw 17, no. 4 (2012): 116-120.
Taugwalder, Gabriela. ‘Medicinal Products in Switzerland: Where Does Information Stop and Advertising Begin?’ European Lawyer, 2007, 71-77.
Tzoulia, Eleni. ‘Online Advertising in Relation to Medicinal Products and Health Related Services’. E-Marketing: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications 1 (2012): 636-651.
Watson, Rory. ‘EC “Fails to Distinguish between Information and Advertising”’. BMJ: British Medical Journal 336, no. 7648 (2008): 792-792.
West, Jacqueline. ‘National Marketing Gone Unintentionally Global: Direct-to-Consumer Advertising of Pharmaceutical Products and the Internet Notes & Student Works’. Journal of International Business & Law 11, no. 2 (2012): [i]-430.
Yalcin, Ela. ‘The Pharma Perspective: The Double-Edged Sword of Direct-To-Consumer Advertising’. Health Law Outlook 11, no. 1 (1 January 2020): 1-29.