A proportionate approach to technology appraisals – virtual event – 9th of March 2023 2pm to 3pm GMT
A key priority for NICE this year is the development of a new proportionate approach to our technology appraisal process.
The objective of this project is to enable us to produce more guidance, help speed up patient access, and increase capacity for ourselves and the wider system.
Join us to hear from our project team on how we have trialled a range of new approaches, the opportunities we’ve uncovered to simplify our processes, and how we now plan to take these forward.
To learn more about this free webinar or reserve a spot follow this link.
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adelage (25 janvier 2023). A proportionate approach to technology appraisals – virtual event – 9th of March 2023 2pm to 3pm GMT. ELSIBI. Consulté le 18 février 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/o67b