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EMA – Draft European Medicines Agencies Network Data Strategy – Increasing the value of data for the benefit of public and animal health

The 15 November 2024, the EMA published for consultation a Draft European Medicines Agencies Network Data Strategy – Increasing the value of data for the benefit of public and animal health.

The strategy, co-developed by the Big Data Steering Group and the European Network Data Board, focuses on making more effective use of data that the EU network is hosting. 

It aims to ensure that data meet high quality standards, and are also appropriately organised, standardised and easy to share among regulators and stakeholders. 

This approach facilitates collaboration and more informed regulatory decision-making.

The link to the survey can be found here, and more information can be found of the EMA Website.

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
vroby (11 décembre 2024). EMA – Draft European Medicines Agencies Network Data Strategy – Increasing the value of data for the benefit of public and animal health. ELSIBI. Consulté le 18 février 2025 à l’adresse

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