EMA – Improving efficiency of approval process for new medicines in the EU
EMA and the European medicines regulatory network are working to further improve efficiency in the assessment and approval processes for new medicines in the European Union. The initiative aims to better manage the use of the network’s expert resources, streamline assessment processes and encourage better and more comprehensive application dossiers from applicants at the time of initial submission. The overall objective of the initiative is to accelerate the availability of safe and effective treatments for patients.
One of the areas identified as needing improvement is the reliability of long-term planning for initial marketing authorisation applications (MAAs). This has been a recurrent problem for the network for many years, binding precious assessment resources and slowing down medicine approval times.
More information about this news on the EMA Website.
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vroby (8 novembre 2024). EMA – Improving efficiency of approval process for new medicines in the EU. ELSIBI. Consulté le 19 janvier 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/12nbx