Department of Health and Social Care – Guidance – Medical technology innovation classification framework
Outlines the aim, scope, and definitions of the medical technology innovation classification framework.
Under the Medical technology strategy, published in February 2023, we set out our intention to create alignment across the system on the language used to describe innovative medical technology. Over the last year, we have worked in collaboration with industry, the devolved administrations, patient representatives, and the wider health sector to develop the medical technology innovation classification framework.
The framework will:
- establish a common language for discussing innovation across the medical technology sector
- establish clear criteria for a device to be described as innovative in different forms
- clearly convey the change in a device compared to what already exists on the market and benefits to patients and the system
- support prioritisation and adoption of the most impactful innovations
For more information read the Medical technology innovation classification framework – GOV.UK (
Published on the 9th of April 2024. Read the news report here.
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