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Department of Health and Social Care – Independent report – Equity in medical devices: independent review – final report

Submissions received to this call for evidence from more than 50 respondents, who represented a broad range of stakeholders from across the UK.

These responses were considered and used to inform the final report of the independent review on equity in medical devices, which was published on 11 March 2024.

The response to this call for evidence includes:

  • a summary of all responses received and respondents
  • key themes that emerged from submissions
  • how insights from the call for evidence were used

Equity in medical devices: independent review call for evidence – GOV.UK (

Findings and recommendations of the independent review into racial, ethnic and other factors leading to unfair biases in the design and use of medical devices.

Equity in medical devices: independent review – final report – GOV.UK (

Equity in medical devices: independent review – summary report – GOV.UK (

Policy paper – Government response to the report of the equity in medical devices: independent review

Government response to the report of the equity in medical devices: independent review – GOV.UK (

New action to tackle ethnic and other biases in medical devices – GOV.UK (

Published on the 11th of March 2024.

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
adelage (5 novembre 2024). Department of Health and Social Care – Independent report – Equity in medical devices: independent review – final report. ELSIBI. Consulté le 18 février 2025 à l’adresse

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