EATRIS-CONNECT Project Launches To AccelerateTranslational Medicine (Catapult’s regulatory round-up – May 2024)
EATRIS is the European Infrastructure for Translational Medicine; a non-profit organisation that brings together resources and services for research communities to translate scientific discoveries into benefits for patients. EATRIS focuses on improving and optimising preclinical and early clinical development of drugs, vaccines and diagnostics, and overcoming barriers to health innovation.
EATRIS-CONNECT is an EU-funded initiative that will use digital transformation as a tool to accelerate translational medicine. Led by EATRIS, the 3-year project (1 May 2024-30 April 2027) unites 21 organisations from across Europe, backed by a budget of €3.9 million from the Horizon Europe program. Please find further information here.
Published on the 5th of June in Catapult’s regulatory round-up for May 2024.
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adelage (4 novembre 2024). EATRIS-CONNECT Project Launches To AccelerateTranslational Medicine (Catapult’s regulatory round-up – May 2024). ELSIBI. Consulté le 18 février 2025 à l’adresse