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EMA – EMA and EORTC multi-stakeholder workshop on soft tissue and bone sarcoma: meeting report and event materials now available

The EMA published the meeting report, the presentation materials and the video recording of the the EMA and EORTC multi-stakeholder workshop on soft tissue and bone sarcoma held the 12 January 2024.

The European Medicines Agency (EMA) and the European Organisation of Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC)  organised a multi-stakeholder workshop on soft tissue and bone sarcoma. It specifically addressed how we can develop new treatments in ultra-rare sarcomas, as a model for ultra-rare tumours.
This workshop bringed together academia, learned societies, patients, non-profit organisations, and medicines regulators to explore clinical and scientific aspects related to the development of medicines for ultra-rare cancers. The focus of the workshop was on methodological aspects of clinical studies (such as the use of master protocols), repurposing medicines, and the use of retrospective and real-world data, and prospective registries for further data collection.

The aims of the workshop were to:

  • discuss points to consider for developing rare cancer medicines using ultra-rare soft tissue and bone sarcomas as examples;
  • facilitate interactions among relevant stakeholders aiming at international collaboration;
  • establish a framework for regular meetings between the adult sarcoma community and EMA.

More information on the EMA Website.

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
vroby (4 octobre 2024). EMA – EMA and EORTC multi-stakeholder workshop on soft tissue and bone sarcoma: meeting report and event materials now available. ELSIBI. Consulté le 18 février 2025 à l’adresse

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