UKRI – Largest study of UK health research funding released today
UK health research funding has increased since 2004, reaching £5 billion in 2022 with growth in translational and infection research, but is now plateauing.
A report published today, the UK Health Research Analysis 2022, provides the most detailed overview yet of UK health research funding from 2004 to 2022 from all public sectors, including: the governments of the four nations of the UK, charities, societies, professional bodies. This report is part of a series published every four to five years.
The report was commissioned by the UK Clinical Research Collaboration (UKCRC), a partnership of the main stakeholders that influence clinical research across the business, public and charitable sectors in the UK.
Published on the 1st of february 2024. Read the full news report following this link.
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adelage (21 mai 2024). UKRI – Largest study of UK health research funding released today. ELSIBI. Consulté le 18 février 2025 à l’adresse