BBSRC injects £12m into pioneering frontier bioscience research
The Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council is set to fund 62 visionary projects that could revolutionise our understanding of the rules of life.
Sixty-two researchers across the UK will receive a share of £12 million to pursue novel bioscience research. From lessons in regeneration that we can learn from rejuvenating jellyfish to the effect sleep has on our genetic ageing, each of the projects will explore early-stage ideas at the frontiers of bioscience.
Few exemples:
- Elucidating the contribution of mRNA oxidation to protein aggregation
Led by Ian McGough
The functional decline of ageing tissues is accelerated by the formation of age-dependent protein aggregates. This project will investigate whether modified messenger RNAs (mRNA) are the origins of protein aggregates, potentially revolutionising therapeutic strategies to prevent protein aggregation.
- A three-dimensional view of the central dogma of molecular biology
Led by Jose Jimenez
This project will investigate how the physical location of genes inside a cell plays a role in controlling their expression and whether this distribution is shaped by evolution.
Published on the 9th of november 2023. Read the entire news report here.
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